奈良県立医科大学 法医学教室



Morimoto M, Tatsumi K, Takabayashi Y, Sakata, A,Yuui K, Terazawa I, Kudo R, Kasuda S. Involvement of monocyte-derived extracellularvesicle-associated tissue factor activity in convallatoxin-inducedhypercoagulability. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis, 36966751, 34:184-190, 2023 2023. doi:10.1097/MBC.0000000000001211.

井上 伸, 蓮輪恭子, 工藤利彩, 勇井克也, 森本真未, 寺澤郁子, 近藤武史, 粕田承吾. 下肢静脈瘤の破綻により失血死した2例. 法医病理.
29: 9-15, 2023.


Yuui K, Kudo R, Kasuda S. Arterial thromboxane A2-induced transient contraction after IL-1β exposure. European Journal of Inflammation, 20: 1-9, 2022

Kudo R, Yuui K, Kasuda S. Endothelium-Independent Relaxation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Induced by Persimmon-Derived Polyphenol Phytocomplex in Rats. Nutrients, 89, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14010089

福留昭人、勇井克也、工藤利彩、粕田承吾. アルコールの死後産生に関与する細菌叢の網羅的解析. 法医病理. 27(2): 149-160, 2022.


Morimoto M, Tatsumi K, Yuui K, Terazawa I, Kudo R, Kasuda S. Convallatoxin, the primarycardiac glycoside in lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis), induces tissuefactor expression in endothelial cells. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 3: 1-5, 2021.

Kasuda S, Kondo T, Terazawa I, Morimoto M, Yuui K, Kudo R. Cardiac sudden death in a young cannabis user. Legal Medicine, 53: 101955 2021.

粕田承吾、近藤武史、田中直子、工藤利彩、勇井克也、寺澤郁子、森本真未、木下博之. 上部消化管造影検査後にS状結腸穿孔を来して死亡した1剖検例. 法医病理. 27: 61-65, 2021.

工藤利彩、勇井克也、粕田承吾. 心血管イベントにおける誘導型内皮由来過分極因子の役割. BIO Clinica 36(3): 97-99, 2021.

羽竹勝彦、工藤利彩、勇井克也、森本真未、粕田承吾. 奈良県における孤独死の状況. 奈良医学雑誌. 72:1-11. 2021.


Yuui K, Kudo R, Kasuda S, Ueshima S. Mozuku (Cladosiphon okamuranus) a Brown Seaweed,Inhibits the Migration of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Co-cultured with Adipocytes. Albanian J Med Health Sci., 54: 14-33 2020.

Kondo T, Hatake K, Kudo R, Yuui K, Kasuda S. Autopsy Case with Lymphocytic Infundibuloneurohypophysitis as the Contributing Factor. Albanian J Med Health Sci., 54: 64-69, 2020.

中田匡俊、工藤利彩、勇井克也、寺澤郁子、羽竹勝彦、粕田承吾. 窒息急死死体解剖事例における血中アルコール濃度と軟凝血形成との関連について. 奈良医学雑誌. 71: 41-44, 2020.

粕田承吾、近藤武史、工藤利彩、勇井克也、寺澤郁子、森本真未、羽竹勝彦. 頚部壊死性筋膜炎で発症した劇症型溶血性レンサ球菌感染症の1剖検例. 法医病理. 25: 105-109, 2020.

粕田承吾、近藤武史. 敗血症. 法医病理. 26: 25-26, 2020

工藤利彩、勇井克也、粕田承吾. 新規メディエーター誘導型内皮由来過分極因子を介する血管機能調節機構. Medical Science Digest. 46: 34-35, 2020.


Yuui K, Kudo R, Kasuda S, Hatake K. Chronic ethanol consumption enhances inducible endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizing factor-mediated relaxation in the rat artery., Eur J Pharmacol., 865:172759, 2019.

Kasuda S, Kudo R, Yuui K, Sakurai Y, Hatake K. Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hematopoieticembryoid bodies improve mouse status in septic peritonitis., Bull Exp Biol Med., 166:667-670, 2019

Kasuda S, Sakurai Y, Tatsumi K, Takeda T, Kudo R, YuuiK, Hatake K. Enhancement of tissue factor expression inmonocyte-derived dendritic cells by pentraxin 3 and its modulation by C1 esterase inhibitor., Int Arch Allergy Immunol., 179:158-164,2019.

Ono S, Matsui H, Noda M, Kasuda S, Yada N, Yoshimoto K, Akiyama M, Miyata T, Sugimoto M, Nishio K., Functional regulation of von Willebrand factor ameliorates acute ischemia-reperfusion kidney injury in mice., Sci Rep., 9:14453, 2019.

Matsuo S, Tomita E, Fukuhara K, Kasuda S, Suzuki K, Tsukamoto Y., Metastatic gestational choriocarcinoma in lung incidentally found by hemoptysis andconfirmed by DNA genotyping, highly suggesting the index antecedent pregnancyof a girl., Hum Pathol Case Rep., 18:200345, 2019.

Kasuda S, Kudo R, Yuui K, Hatake K. An autopsy case of a slow death due to massive mud ingestion. Anil Aggrawal's Internet J
Forensic Med Toxicol. 20(1): paper 4, 2019.

Kasuda S, Kudo R, Yuui K, Kondo T, Hatake K. Sudden unexpected infantile death due to undiagnosed ventricular septaldefect-associated heart failure with single coronary artery. Forensic Sci Med Pathol., 15(2):300-303, 2019.

Kudo R, Yuui K, Hatake K. Alcohol and Pathophysiology. "Forensic Medicine andHuman Cell Research ~New Perspective and Bioethics~"(Takaki IshikawaEditor,Springer), Current Human Cell Research and Applications, 45-64, 2019.


Kasuda S, Kudo R, Yuui K, Sakurai Y, Hatake K. Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hematopoietic embryoid bodies secrete sphingosine-1-phosphate and revert endothelial injury. Bull Exp Bio Med., 164: 775-779, 2018.

Kasuda S, Kudo R, Yuui K, Sakurai Y, Hatake K. Autopsy of a young alcohol abuser with severe fatty cirrhosis revealed potential interactions among alcohol-related disorders. Rom J Leg Med., 26(1): 42-46, 2018.

Kasuda S, Sakurai Y, Tatsumi K, Takeda T, Kudo R, Yuui K, Hatake K. Experimental hypercoagulable state induced by tissue factor expression in monocyte-derived dendritic cells and its modulation by C1 inhibitor. J Thromb Thrombolysis.46(2): 219-226, 2018.

Kasuda S, Kondo T, Kudo R, Yuui K, Hatake K. Chronic heart failure in along-standing methamphetamine abuser. Albanian J Med Health Sci., 49: ahead of print, 2018.

Nakanishi M, Nakayama A, Kasuda S, Kudo R, Yuui K, Ishitani A, Hatake K. A sensitive and time-saving method for the diagnosis of drawing by multiplex PCR. J Nara Med Ass., 69: 77-85, 2018.

Urisono Y, Sakata S, Matsui H, Kasuda S, Ono S, Yoshimoto K, Nishio K, Sho M, Akiyama M, Miyata T, Okuchi K, Nishimura S, Sugimoto M. Von Willebrand Factor Aggravates Hepaticlschemia-Reperfusion Injury by Promoting Neutrophil Recruitment in Mice. Thromb Haemost, 118, 700-708, 2018.

井上愛理、田村修平、古橋佑輔、工藤利彩、勇井克也、粕田承吾、羽竹勝彦. 凍死の診断における血中および尿中のアセトン検出の有用性.奈良医学雑誌. 69: 1-8, 2018.

今井裕子、粕田承吾、工藤利彩、勇井克也、森本真未、羽竹勝彦. 凍死の診断における血中尿素窒素およびクレアチニン測定の有用性. 奈良医学雑誌. 69: 67-75, 2018.

羽竹勝彦、粕田承吾、工藤利彩、勇井克也、森本真未. 奈良県内における用水路での死亡事例の検討. 法医病理. 24: 139-147, 2018.

粕田承吾、近藤武史、工藤利彩、勇井克也、森本真未、羽竹勝彦. 感染性腸炎を疑われた劇症型心筋炎の1剖検例. 法医病理. 24: 149-153, 2018.


Kasuda S, Kudo R, Yuui K, Sakurai Y, Hatake K. Acute ethanol intoxication suppresses pentraxin 3 expression in a mouse sepsis model involving cecal ligation and puncture. Alcohol, 64: 1-9, 2017.

Kudo R, Yuui K, Kasuda S, Nakata M, Imai H, Nakanishi M, Hatake K. Effect of ethanol on capsaisin-induced nerve-mediated vasorelaxation in rat arteries. Rom J Leg Med., 25:1-7, 2017.

Nakata M, Kasuda S, Yuui K, Kudo R, Hatake K. Relevance of hemolysis-induced tissue factor expression on monocytes in soft clot formation in alcohol-containing blood. Leg Med., 25: 83-88, 2017.

粕田承吾、工藤利彩、勇井克也、近藤武史、中田匡俊、今井裕子、中西真理、國安弘基、羽竹勝彦. 軽微な外力にもとづくと考えられた非穿通性総頚動脈損傷による急死事例. 法医学の実際と研究 60: 141-147、2017.


Kasuda S, Kudo R, Yuui K, Nakata M, Hatake K.Sudden Death Due to Bilateral PulmonaryThromboembolism Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Am J Forensic Med Pathol., 37(3): 198-200, 2016

Kasuda S, Tatsumi K, Sakurai Y, Shima M, Hatake K. Therapeutic approaches for treatinghemophilia A using embryonic stem cells. Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Ther., 9(2): 64-70, 2016

Kasuda S, Kudo R, Yuui K, Imai H, Nakata M, Hatake K. Two autopsy cases in which previous surgeryfacilitated the positive identification of decomposed bodies. Soud Lek., 61(4): 42-43, 2016

Yuui K, Kudo R, Kasuda S, Hatake K. Ethanol attenuates vasorelaxation via inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase in rat artery
exposed to interleukin-1β. Human and Experimental Toxicology, 35(9):  938-945, 2016.

Kasuda S, Kudo R, Yuui K, Imai H, Nakata M, Hatake K. An autopsy case of complete adipocere fomation. Leg Med., 18: 49-51, 2016

Kasuda S, Matsui H, Ono S, Matsunari Y, Nishio K, Shima M, Hatake K, Sugimoto M. Relevant role of von Willebrand factor in neutrophil recruitment in a mouse sepsis model involving cecal ligation and puncture. Haematologica, 101: e52-e54, 2016.

Wakabayashi I, Marumo M, Nonaka D, Shimomura T, Eguchi R, Lee LJ, TanakaK, Hatake K. Potential Biomarker Peptides Associated with Acute Alcohol-Induced Reduction of Blood Pressure.PLoS One. 11(1):e0147297,2016.

Ouji-Sageshima N, Yuui K, Nakanishi M, TakedaN, Odawara Y, Yamashita M, Iwayama H, Awai K, Hashimoto H, Geraghty DE,Ishitani A, Hatake K, Ito T. sHLA-G and sHLA-I levelsin follicular fluid are not associated with successful implantation. J Reprod Immunol. 113:16-21, 2016.

Ouji-Sageshima N, Geraghty DE, Ishitani A, HatakeK, Ito T. Establishment of optimized ELISA system specificfor HLA-G in body fluids. HLA. 88: 293-299, 2016.

羽竹勝彦、粕田承吾、工藤利彩、勇井克也、中田匡俊、今井裕子、中西真理、石谷昭子. 外表所見に乏しい扼殺の2剖検例. 法医学の実際と研究 59: 35-39、2016.

粕田承吾、工藤利彩、勇井克也、中田匡俊、今井裕子、中西真理、石谷昭子、羽竹勝彦. 中心静脈カテーテルからの空気の流入により死亡した空気塞栓症の1剖検例. 法医学の実際と研究 59: 41-46、2016.


Yuui K, Kudo R, Kasuda S, Hatake K. The Inhibitory Effect of Ethanol on Interleukin-1β-Induced Suppression of Contractile Response in the Rat Superior Mesenteric Artery. Jpn. J. Alcohol & Drug Dependence Vol.50(3), 158-166, 2015.

Kawashima W, Hatake K, Kudo R, Nakanishi M, Tamaki S, Kasuda S, Yuui K, lshitani A.Two Autopsy Cases of Water Intoxication.J Forensic Res 6:2, 2015.

Kawashima W, Hatake K, Kudo R, Nakanishi M, Tamaki S, Kasuda S, Yuui K, lshitani A., Estimating the Time after Death on the Basis of Corneal Opacity. J Forensic Res 6:1,2015.


粕田承吾、工藤利彩、勇井克也、玉置盛浩、中西真理、石谷昭子、羽竹勝彦. 死因にスルピリドが関与したと考えられた3剖検例、法医学の実際と研究 58:149-154、2015.


Kasuda S, Sakurai Y, Tatsumi K, Kato J, Takeda T, Shima M, Hatake K. Sequential Gene Expression Analysis of Coagulation Factors and Protease-activated Receptors in Hematopoietic Lineage Development. Current Angiogenesis, 3, 139-143, 2014.

Matsui H, Takeda M, Soejima K, Matsunari Y, Kasuda S, Ono S, Nishio K, Shima M, Banno F, Miyata T, Sugimoto M. Contribution of ADAMTS13 to the better cell engraftment efficacy in mouse modelof bone marrow transplantation. Haematologica, 99, e211-213, 2014.

粕田承吾、森村佳史、工藤利彩、川島渉、勇井克也、中西真理、石谷昭子、玉置盛浩、羽竹勝彦. 過去5年間の奈良県内における身元不明死体解剖事例の統計的考察. 奈良医学雑誌. 65, 9-15, 2014.


Hatake K, Morimura Y, Kudo R, Kawashima W, Kasuda S. Respiratory complications of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV. Leg Med., 15: 23-27, 2013.

Sakurai Y, Kasuda S,Tatsumi K, Takeda T, Kato J, Kubo A and Shima M. Repression of factor VIII inhibitordevelopment with apoptotic factor VIII-expressing embryonic stem cells. Hematol Rep., 5, 30-33, 2013.

Kawashima W, Hatake K, Morimura Y, Kudo R, Nakanishi M, Tamaki H, Kasuda S, Yuui K, Ishitani A. A New Quantitative Multi-parameter Method Improves the Accuracy of Age Estimation from Oral Findings.,  Res.Pract.Forens.Med., 56: 211-218, 2013.

Kawashima W, Hatake K, Morimura Y, Kudo R, Nakanishi M, Tamaki S, Kasuda S, Yuui K, IshitaniA. Asphyxial death related topostextraction hematoma in an elderly man. Forensic ScienceInternational. 228: 47-49, 2013.

Kawashima W, Takayama K, Fujii R, Matsubara Y, Kirita T. Vector-Controlled Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis Using an Lmplant-Fixed Provisional Prosthesis: A Case Report. Implant Dentistry. 22: 26-30, 2013.

工藤利彩、勇井克也、羽竹勝彦.ラット上腸間膜動脈におけるTRPV4チャンネルを介する血管弛緩反応に及ぼすエタノールの影響. アルコールと医学生物学. 32: 127-130, 2013.

羽竹勝彦. 標準法医学 池田典昭・鈴木廣一 編、医学書院 第7版 58-86, 2013


Zhang P, Gruber A, Kasuda S, Kimmelstiel C, O'Callaghan K, Cox DH, Bohm A, Baleja JD, Covic L, Kuliopulos A. Suppression of arterial thrombosis without affecting hemostaticarameters with a cell-penetrating PAR1 pepducin. Circulation, 126(1): 83-91, 2012.

川島 渉、森村 佳史、工藤利彩、粕田 承吾、勇井 克也、玉置 盛浩、中西 真理、國安弘基、羽竹 勝彦.頸部皮下組織の広範な血腫により窒息をおこし死亡した剖検例.法医学の実際と研究.55: 85-90, 2012.

渡邉 知朗、奥地 一夫、岩村 あさみ、關 匡彦、川井 廉之、福島 英賢、藤岡 政行、西尾健治、田岡 俊昭、羽竹 勝彦.頭蓋内血流再開を認めた脳死乳児の剖検所見.脳死・脳蘇生.24:2:57-62, 2012.


Kasuda S, Tatsumi K, Sakurai Y, Kato J, Taminishi S, Takeda T, Ohashi K, Okano T, Hatake K, Shima M.Expression of coagulation factors from murine induced pluripotent stem cell-derived liver cells.Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis, 22(4): 271-279, 2011.

Sevigny LM, Austin KM, Zhang P, Kasuda S, Koukos G, Sharifi S, Covic L, Kuliopulos A.Protease-activated receptor-2 modulate sprotease-activated receptor-1-driven neointimal hyperplasia.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., 31(12): e100-106, 2011.

Tressel SL, Kaneider NC, Kasuda S, Foley C, Koukos G, Austin K, Agarwal A, Covic L, Opal SM, Kuliopulos A.A matrix metalloprotease-PAR1 system regulates vascular integrity, systemic inflammation and death in sepsis.EMBO Mol Med., 3(7);370-384, 2011.

羽竹勝彦、森村佳史、工藤利彩、粕田承吾、川島渉、中西真理、石谷昭子.妊娠中に死亡した1剖検例.法医学の実際と研究.54:155-159, 2011.

工藤利彩、羽竹勝彦.スフィンゴシルホスホリルコリンによって誘発されるラット血管収縮反応に及ぼすエタノールの影響.アルコールと医学生物学.30:79-83, 2011.


工藤利彩、羽竹勝彦.スフィンゴシルホスホリルコリン(SPC)によるラット血管収縮反応に及ぼすエタノールの影響.日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌.45(3):182-186, 2010.

川島渉、森村佳史、工藤利彩、粕田承吾、玉置盛浩、中西真理、羽竹勝彦.声門下狭窄症が認められた1剖検例.法医学の実際と研究.53:51-55, 2010.

玉置盛浩、山中康嗣、下村弘幸、山川延宏、上田順宏、川島渉、今井裕一郎、山本一彦、桐田忠昭.舌疼痛を伴った口腔カンジダ症に対するイトラコナゾール内用液の臨床的検討.日本口腔科学会雑誌.59(1):p25-30, 2010.